Week 2

Week 2- 

I have chosen the user interactions that I want to design: 

  • An interactive and animated button or lever interaction system
  • An interactive radial menu as an in-game smartwatch, attached to the player’s wrist
  • An interactive door system
  • A main menu system using only 3D, diegetic/in-world components
  • An in-game painting tool where the player can pick up a brush and paint onto a canvas

I have chosen these user interactions as I feel that many of them build upon the skills that I learned in this module last year, such as the door system, which I have started developing. Before I can go any further however, I need to plan how my door will look and work so that it is accessible to more people then a normal door that is pushed and pulled. 

As mentioned in Week 1's post, a simple handle that is pushed or pulled will cause problems depending on the height of the user. In order to work around this, I have thought of a door that slides to the left to open. The door can have an indent that runs from top to bottom and allows the user to open the door from any height as a long sphere collision will be attached to the indent.

Another option for a door includes a door that will open when the user moves within a certain distance from the door. The door will follow an animation of rotating 90 degrees or sliding along a spline. I would prefer to make a door where the user can open and rotate the door by holding a handle and pushing/pulling just like they would do for a regular door as this method is more challenging to create as well as more relavent to the module being "VR Development".

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